Tips to Buy an Engagement Ring in Budget

Perfect Pair of Diamond Earrings

Are you getting engaged? If yes, many congratulations! As your engagement day is near, you must be looking for an ideal ring that he/she would love. But, buying an engagement ring is quite a stressful experience. One has to consider shape, clarity, cut quality and color of the diamond. Also, the carat weight of the diamond and the type of metal are the crucial things that one has to give thought to before buying the ring. Because of the different factors to consider, you may find yourself in confusion.


However, purchasing an engagement ring need not be an overwhelming job. The following are the helpful tips that can help you in buying the best ring in your budget.


#1. Set your budget – The first and the most important thing that you must do before searching for the ring is to set your budget. It will not be a good idea to go under debt right before starting the new journey of your life. So, better is to determine your budget by studying your financial situation. Instead of focusing on expensive diamonds that you can’t afford, feel the excitement of marrying the love of your life.


#2. Consider his/her style – As you are buying the ring for your to-be fiancé, you have to consider his/her taste. Note the jewelry that he/she wear regularly. See if he/she is fond of stylish pieces or prefer wearing simple and elegant jewelry. Still, if you don’t get any clue, then talk to his/her friends or siblings. They must know their taste better. Moreover, you can go for jewelry shopping with them to understand their style and choices better.


#3. Decide the shape – Diamonds on the rings come in different shapes like oval, round, heart-shaped, or pear-shaped. So, it all depends on your personal preference about what kind of shape you want. It is suggested to choose the shape that appears larger. Also, don’t forget that the shape of the diamond you select will hugely impact the setting style. So, make sure to choose the shape which fits in the setting properly, and the diamond remains safe.


#4. Understand the 4 C’s – If you have a better understanding of the 4 C’s, then it will become easy for you to pick the best engagement ring. These 4 C’s are Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat.


  • Cut –The best way to decide the beauty of the diamond is to see its cut. If you want the diamond to offer brilliance and fire, then choose the ring with an excellent cut diamond.


  • Color –Opt for the diamond that is nearly colorless. The colorless diamond lies in the range of G-I. When seen with naked eyes, the diamond may appear as colorless as in the range of D-F, but the cost will vary.


  • Clarity –In a clear diamond, all the blemishes and inclusions are absent. So, make sure to check the clarity of the diamond.


  • Carat –After determining the other 3 C’s, choose the largest carat that fits in your budget.

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