Worst Fashion Mistakes Of Men That Women Hate

Whenever we talk about women and men, these two are very different. Different in the sense we can say way of talking,  style of wearing clothes, sense of humor or something else.

Wear too many accessories

If you do anything more than necessary, it looks bad. Similarly, we talk about accessories, Okay, if there are one or two things they look attractive to see, but if you do more than necessary, it looks like a force.

Long trousers

Trousers look good in ankle-length or just a little longer, longer the trousers take the form of longer wrinkles and spoil the beauty of the entire attire. You must check the sales during Black Friday in July on tailored fit trousers to impress your girl.

Untucked shirts

Untucked shirts look more informal, and sometimes it seems like we forgot to do it tucked inside. It seems like in most of the cases that a person has come out of sleep halfway, thus it does not look good.

Over matching

When we match everything with our clothes, it looks weird like the same colored shirt, pants, socks, pocket square, and so on, things are more graceful and highlight in contrast.

Wide tie’s

The wider the tie, the more space it will cover the shirt, what happens with that is that we have the most tie, while it is only an accessory. A wide tie is very old-fashioned, in today’s new trend, everybody wears a narrow tie, which looks great.

Short-long tie’s

The tie looks neither too small nor too big, it should remain only till our belt. A small tie looks very funny while big tie people feel as if the tie has not yet been properly tied.

Curved collar’s

Let’s talk about the collar, our collar looks good only when it is ironed and this is the reason that when we go to get shirts, a collar stand is present in the packing so that the shirts look more attractive.

Visible undershirt

Perhaps the worst thing that the ladies feel is that visible undershirt men do not even know this thing and they consider it very cool. Our pics also get spoiled due to blustering looks, so think how bad they look. The undershirt should not be visible because it also spoils the real look of our clothes.

Too many buttons on the jacket

Again if we do the same thing more than necessary, then it spoils the real beauty of the actual thing. Buttons look more shining as to what happens with more buttons than appropriate. Despite this, our attention is drawn only to those buttons which seem to be bad.

Loose shirts

When we wear belts or tight pants, then the loose shirt takes the shape of a balloon, it makes us feel as if we are wearing demand clothes from someone else.

Too many shirts’ buttons undone

More such buttons like to open those who flaunt their body gym going’s. But elegancy is in simplicity. Sometimes those people also keep the buttons of the shirt open with lots of hair on their chest, which is very bad to see women.

Jacket sleeves too long

Longer things again give the same look as if we have borrowed something from someone and worn it. The sleeves do not reach our palm only when it feels good so that our entire hand can be seen.

Socks with sandals

Sandals are made for wearing only without socks and are so airy that the air itself passes. There is no reason to wear socks under sandals, while doing so we also spoil the look of sandals.

Yellow, red, pink, purple jeans

With these colorful things, we are nothing but highlighted like jokers. These things are not simple sober nor they look good.

Too much facial grooming

When boys go to trim their beards and mustache then they get cuts from place to place to show the over style, by doing this, everything on their face is highlighted separately, which does not look natural.

Wearing sports jerseys everywhere you go

Sports jerseys look good while playing or not all the time, If we wear them all the time, then it seems like we are just using that cloth everywhere.

Popping up your collars

Keeping the collar standing does not justify any fashion, rather it seems cheap. Women like boys well dressed.

Wearing skinny jeans while overweight

Being fat is not a bad thing, but wearing clothes according to your body is the right thing. Many men who wear tight jeans more than necessary do not like them at all. This makes their body more illuminated and shows their real obesity.

Square toe shoes

People used to wear shoes without lace in the past, this is quite old-fashioned. Nowadays there are very beautiful lace shoes which are very attractive to see.

Non-ironed clothes

With ironed clothes, we feel confident and our clothes seem graceful. We must try before going anywhere that our clothes are ironed.


Small or one or two tattoos are fine, but people who fill themselves with tattoos seem more strange. It seems that they are hiding by doing this, and in professional terms, these things look even worse.

Eating habits

Many people have the habit of eating food with an open mouth all the time while eating, these things look good when we are home but not outside, especially when we meet someone for the very first time.

Lack of eye contact

Well, ladies like men when they look at them as they talk because they look more confident while eye contacting.

Colored hair

Today’s youth do anything in the name of fashion, such as coloring their hair. Many women do not like this because most of the colored hair looks good on women.


There is a lot of difference between the two sexes. And both of them do not understand each other’s style. But these are some things that a lot of men make mistakes in their dressing sense which women feel bad, on which men should pay attention. Yes and it would not be wrong to say that no man is perfect, but by paying attention to these things, he can definitely make women happy.
