WordPress Pro Tips for Business Website in 2021

WordPress is a powerful and the most popular platform that lets you create your website, design it the way you like and add whatever functionalities and features you need. Online vendors, sellers, businesses, and bloggers every one is leveraging the endless benefits of this platform. WordPress currently powers more than 30% of the internet and is expected only to upscale its graph in the coming years. Therefore, If you are an online enterprise that wants to grow its audience through unique content, it’s time that you try out the WordPress platform.  

The best part about WordPress is that it’s easy to use and flexible enough to create several types of robust websites. However, If you are an absolute beginner and still exploring, we would suggest you hire WordPress experts to make your job easier. If you are already familiar with the platform’s basics, we have some proven hacks for your website growth. Given the world of hosting, plugins, coding, and SEO, these tips will help you along in the long run.

So let’s take a glance at the topmost WordPress hacks that expert use to outgrow their business websites :

  • Choose Your Hosting :

Finding a suitable hosting provider for your WordPress site is absolutely essential for success. Your site would not be able to go live on the internet without hosting. And not just that, there are several other reasons why choosing the right host is important.

Your provider will give you sufficient resources to handle your site traffic, avoid downtime and crashes, and give you fast site speed. You will also be provided with WordPress specific hosting plans that will make your site run efficiently. Bluehost is hands down the best and most used hosting provider for WordPress. You can rely on Bluehost without any doubts and worries.

  • Watching Pre Demos :

When you are looking for your website’s theme, it’s crucial that you make use of theme demos. This way, you can try some of them out before you commit to any theme. Simply, choose to “View Demo” or “Live Demo”, and you can see how your site would look online.

Your theme forms the basis of your website’s design; therefore, give it some time and go for that one theme that you enjoy exploring.

Yes, WordPress websites can be customized but you will need to hire dedicated WordPress developers for coding and redesigning. Else, it is only sensible to start out with the right theme.

  • Installing an SEO PlugIn :

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the most vital element for a successful website. Your WordPress site cannot rank high in search results without SEO. Even if you are a tech pro, you might need a helping hand with your SEO as an ideal option to grow your audience.

Installing your SEO plugin can help you analyze your keywords and content and manage all the technical components such as robots.txt and sitemaps. For this, you can visit, WordPress Plugin directory, and find an SEO plugin that suits your needs. Yoast SEO is currently one of the most recommended plugins by experts with over 5 million installations and 30,000-star reviews.

  • Installing Google Analytics :

Google Analytics needs no introduction when it comes to recording data, tracking performance, and taking insights on how people are interacting with your site. These features make this tool an invaluable tool for measuring the site’s performance.

The easiest way known to install Google Analytics is with the MonsterInsights plugin. Both the tools are available in the free version of WordPress. You will need the tracking code provided to you while creating your Google Analytics account, and further MonsterInsights can guide you with the installation process.

  • Picking the best theme:

There are thousands of themes available for you to get overwhelmed by the quantity. We will advise you to be picky and only go for quality themes. Do not be afraid to pay for the premium version if you think it’s good enough for your website. Furthermore, read the reviews carefully and pick a mobile responsive theme, so that your users do not suffer a poor online experience.

You will find some themes pre-packed with features but ensure that none of them slows your site’s speed down. Pick a minimal theme and do not overstress over it since you can always switch later.

  • Compressing Your Images :

You can reduce the file’s size by compressing the image to run your site faster and save precious storage space. Speeding up your website’s loading time can give a new life to otherwise dead pages, and will always leave you with happy customers.

You can use online tools for image compression like ImageResize, Optimizilla, Kraken.io etc. They are free, easy-to-use and there’s no need to download any software.

  • Setting up a Gravatar:

Gravatar refers to a Globally Recognized Avatar. It’s a service that basically provides the user picture attached to your account. Having a unique and personalized gravatar will help the audience to recognize you better since you will have a clear identity among other similar websites.

The Gravatar feature is already integrated with WordPress, all you need to do is, visit your Profile section, and navigate down to “Profile Picture”. Once you get there, click on the link to Gravatar, the site will help you upload whichever image you like, and link it to your registered WordPress account.

  • Staying Updated:

WordPress keeps updating its software to ensure the platform is secure. Usually, minor updates occur every two weeks, while major one can happen once a month. That’s why you must keep yourself updated so that you don’t miss out on anything new, else your site can become vulnerable to specific bugs.


We have tried to cover almost every aspect of WordPress from SEO to compressed images to safety to make you a little pro and confident. All the tips are tried and tested and will benefit your website and the workflow. In any scenario, you run uncertain, feel free to hire WordPress coders and rely on them for all the technical expertise. Now, get along and create your business website with a bang.
