10 Signs Of Cancer That You Should Keep An Eye On

Believe it or not, cancer is the leading cause of deaths in the world. Every year the death toll due to cancer is continuously rising. Even though there are advanced treatments for cancer, the late diagnosis often complicates the condition. Hence, it is imperative to detect the cancer symptoms as early as possible to get the right treatment.

The annual cancer screenings are a great way to detect whether you have cancer or not. However, in the wake of COVID-19, where everyone wants to stay safe, people are putting off their annual screenings. Cancer screenings are the method to detect cancer even before the symptoms appear. In the current situation, it is quite understandable that screenings may not be possible every time.

Not only with screenings, but you can also alert to the early signs of cancer. If you pay close attention to your body, you can see plenty of warning signs that state that you might have cancer. If you notice something different in your body that lasts for days and weeks, you must visit your nearest cancer hospital in India to get yourself diagnosed.

Here are a few warning signs or symptoms that you should not ignore regarding cancer:

1. Abnormal Periods

Many women have inconsistent periods and cramps. But, when it becomes persistent and starts disrupting your general well-being, you must get yourself checked for ovarian, cervical or uterus cancer. Cervical cancer is ragingly growing in women from the age of 30-50 years. It is advised to get pap smears every year to detect any issue at the earliest.

2. Changes In Bathroom Routines

The changes in your bodily functions say a lot about your health conditions. If you have been suffering from diarrhoea, blood in stool/urine, tarry stools or frequent urination, then you might be at the risk of prostate or bladder cancer. Don’t wait till the situation gets worse and see an oncologist at the earliest.

3. Bloating

Not all bloating leads to cancer, but if bloating continues for more than two weeks, you must be alarmed and check for ovarian cancer or gastrointestinal cancer. You can also consult your gynaecologist or gastrologist to get more clarity on your situation. Don’t take your bloating on a lighter note, and keep track of your condition.

4. Breast Changes

Breast cancer is a leading type of cancer in women that also leads to deaths. Hence, it is essential to remain aware of everything. If you witness a lump, discolouring, or dimpling on your nipples, you must get yourself checked for breast cancer. Breast cancer not only occurs in women but is common among men as well.

5. Severe Coughing

Coughing due to cold and fever is understandable, but if you have an unexplainable cough that too for a long time, there is definitely something wrong. Coughs that stay for more than two weeks must be diagnosed as soon as possible. Dry and chronic cough can be a warning sign of lung cancer. Don’t take any chances and see a cancer specialist.

6. Chronic Headache

Headaches are normal, but you must consult your doctor when you cannot tolerate it to any extent. If your headache is consistent even after two weeks, then you should not rely on regular medications and seek help from your oncologist. Severe and unexplainable headache can lead to a brain tumour.

7. Difficulty in Swallowing

If you are having difficulty swallowing food, or it is getting stuck in the throat, you must ignore this sign. You can be at the risk of developing throat, lung or stomach cancer. Don’t suffer from your difficulties alone, and consult your doctor at the earliest.

8. Severe Bruising

It is normal to develop a bruise by bumping into a table, but if you get unexpected bruises at different parts of your body, you should not take it lightly. Unexplainable bumps and bruises on your skin can be a sign of blood cancer that can become severe with time. So, try not to ignore this symptom.

9. Frequent Infections And Fever

Getting fever and infection regularly is not a good sign. If your body temperature spikes up regularly and you develop infection way too easily, there are chances that your immune system is highly weak. A weak immune system can become vulnerable to leukaemia or lymphoma.

10. Skin Changes

Even the slightest change in your mole or birthmark should be diagnosed. If there are any unusual changes on your skin that you cannot explain, visit your skin specialist as early as possible. Change in colour, size, diameter and evolvement should be rightly addressed.

The Bottom Line

You can timely cure cancer when it is diagnosed at the right time. The more you delay, the lesser your chances to recover. The above mentioned were a few symptoms or signs that you should never ignore.
