How to Eat Healthy Food Everyday

Do you struggle with eating healthy? I made a decision to start losing weight a little over 16 weeks ago. I also had to change the way that I shop for food and drinks too. Today, I wanted to share 8 painless ways to make eating healthier easier.

Meal Planning

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that it is easier to eat Sources of Healthy Fats when I know what we are having for most of your meals. Plus, you can even plan your meals around the circulars so that you can save money too. Need help with meal planning, try using a meal planning app.

Try New Recipes

Don’t be afraid to try new recipes. We have tried a few new recipes recently and as I am making them, I do my best to make each recipe a bit healthier if I am able too. For example, I can easily swap out sour cream with Greek yogurt or even reduced fat sour cream to help cut calories.

Choose Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fill your plate up with fresh fruits and vegetables. They are low calorie and filled with vital nutrients. Don’t be afraid to try new fruits and vegetables, you never know what you might like even if it wasn’t on your list before.

Add Fiber to Your Diet

If you aren’t eating ample amount of fiber, I highly suggest that you focus on finding foods that contain dietary fiber. Fiber has a ton of benefits including: helping you stay full longer, keeping your regular, lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and helps with weight loss.

Skip Processed Food

Try to skip eating a bunch of processed food. Instead, opt for foods that you actually prepare. Processed foods like canned soup, bread, canned vegetables, frozen dinners (guilty), and low-fat meals often contain hidden ingredients like sugar, fillers, and chemicals.

Reach for a Glass of Water

Instead of reaching for that glass of soda, juice, alcohol, or other calorie filled drinks, opt for a glass of ice water. Often times are body is signaling to our brain that it needs hydration but we mistake it for hunger. If you struggle with drinking enough water, try adding lemon, lime, oranges, strawberries, or other fruits and vegetables. Plus, water helps flush out toxins and other waste products. Check out my post from earlier this week on how to drink more water every day.

Reduce your Sugar Intake

Sugar hides in so many of the foods that we eat. It is important that you start reading the labels on the foods that you buy or stocked in your pantry. Giving up sugar isn’t easy but it is possible to do it.  Sugar is a powerful drug and the addiction is real. Check out my tips on how to kick the sugar habit forever.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be painstakingly hard. Do try these 8 painless ways to make eating healthier easier. Since changing up my diet 16 weeks ago, I am slowly finding it so much easier to know what I can eat and how much to eat.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.